DOI:Ключові слова:
, mobile learning, mobile learning surrounding, mobile content, future teachers, English language competence.Анотація
The article is devoted to the actual issue – the implementation of mobile learning tools in the process of forming English language competence of future teachers and the creation of mobile learning content according to its main principles. The author analyzes modern views on mobile learning as a specific type of e-learning having its own advantages and disadvantages, studies the research works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists S. Semerikov, K. Buhaichuk, M. Kyslova, A. Stryuk, M. Stryuk, M. Bransford, J. Douglas, J. Traxler and others.
The author has provided the own concept of mobile learning and formulated basic principles of creating mobile learning content as the article’s goal. More than that, the author has determined the place of mobile learning in the system of future teachers training and outlined the perspectives of further use of mobile learning content in the form of mobile sites, blogs, applications and platforms to build the English language competence of future teachers during classroom and extra-curriculum activities. Leading research methods used: theoretical methods of scientific knowledge (analysis and synthesis, generalization and deduction), methods of empirical level (observations and descriptions).
The basic principles of creating mobile learning content for the formation of future teachers language competence are described. The necessity of chunking the course material as the most effective way of mobile learning and memorizing techniques are pointed out. The set of basic rules to organize the mobile course content with the focus on micro learning, ultimate flexibility, learner-centered approach, facilitating the interest in the subject, organizing simple visuals are presented. More principles under the article’s author attention are mobile mentoring and micro assessments which can provide more real-time, context-aware training opportunities for the formation of future teachers competence in English language.
It is noted that the research is practical since it gives a detailed description of the basic principles of creating mobile learning content and its implementation in the process of future teachers training. It is important that the forms, methods and basic principles of mobile learning join Ukrainian students to the global process of education informatization and demonstrate further perspectives in the formation of their English language competence.
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