
  • Ірина Лобачова


Ключові слова:

authentic educational material, innovative teaching methods, foreign language speech competence, motivation, shadowing technique, learning strategy, traditional teaching methods.


The article deals with the problem of determining the methodological aspects of implementing the shadowing technique in teaching English for improving student foreign language competence. The integration ofUkraineinto the world economic field, getting education and highly paid job abroad, developing intercultural contacts of all social groups are today’s realities and significantly expand the functions of a foreign language. Once being only an academic subject, now it has become the dominant sign of the modern educational system regarding the professional development of personality.

Thus, in order to achieve a professional level of knowledge of a foreign language, learners must be competent both in language vocabulary, grammar, and also in language styles and the main types of verbal and non-verbal means of communication. Besides, it is important to keep students’ interest and motivation in learning a foreign language.

Such researchers as I. Bom, D. Jonson, A. Lypkina, T. Matis, S. Mishurovska, O. Popova, H. Selevko, L. Vashenko, K. Ushakova and others state that finding the right approach to form and keep motivation is the most important issue in modern theory and practice of teaching English. The advantages and disadvantages of using traditional and innovative methods in teaching foreign languages are considered by O. Baieva, I. Bekh, N. Martynova, L. Rubenstein, H. Shchukina, M. Sumarish, H. Onaha, O. Pometun, M. Tanaka and others. But the analysis of scientific papers determines the lack of complex studies of the highlighted issue and the need to implement the shadowing technique in teaching English.

 The purpose of the study is to determine the methodological aspects of implementing the shadowing technique in teaching English and find out the advantages and disadvantages of this technique.

Modern requirements for the educational process determine new interactive conditions between a teacher and a student. In terms of studying foreign languages, lots of factors influence the mastery of language skills, the correct combination of which contributes to obtaining the most productive results and makes it possible to study the language in various aspects. The dominant position among these factors is occupied by the methods of teaching a foreign language. There are three main groups of methods for studying foreign languages: 1) humanistic (Total Physical Response, Silent Method, Community Language Learning (Counseling), Suggestopedia, etc.); 2) communicative (Situational Language Teaching (Oral Approach), Multiple Intelligence Approach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Lexical Syllabus, Competency-Based Language Teaching, Cooperative Language Learning, Content-Based Instruction, Task Based Language Learning, Drama and Theatre Approach, etc.); and 3) traditional (Direct Method (Natural Approach), Grammar Translation Method, Cognitive Code Method, Audio-Lingual Method, etc.).

In modern application of the Audio-Lingual method, it is relevant to use the shadowing technique, which instantly changes the passive aspect of activity to active one. This technique allows learners to develop listening comprehension skills, learn the foreign language grammar   intuitively and subconsciously, associate a sound image of a word with its spelling, acquire fluency in speech, enrich one’s vocabulary, etc. As well, implementing the shadowing technique improves self-discipline and teaches students to study the language regularly; helps to absorb new information faster and improve memory through multiply and conscious repetition.


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Як цитувати

Лобачова, І. (2020). METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF IMPLEMENTING THE SHADOWING TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING ENGLISH. Професіоналізм педагога: теоретичні й методичні аспекти, (13), 73–84.


